Since 1996 Rinfrescart has collaborated with more than 100 different function locations.

We are at your complete disposal in order to make your event unforgettable, everywhere you want to celebrate.

If you have not already chosen your location, below we have a small list of suggestions for you of villas, castles, farmhouses with which we collaborate frequently.

  • Villa Gromo di Ternengo, Robecco Sul Naviglio (MI) www.villagromo.it
  • Borgo al Pozzo, Rho (MI) www.borgoalpozzo.it
  • Villa La Valera, Arese (MI) https://www.instagram.com/villalavalera/
  • Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta, Lainate (MI) www.villalittalainate.it
  • Villa Borromeo, Cassano D’Adda (MI) www.villaborromeo.it
  • Villa Caproni, Vizzola Ticino (VA) www.villacaproni.it
  • Villa Gaia Gandini, Robecco sul Naviglio (MI) www.villagaiagandini.it
  • Cascina San Carlo, Caravaggio (BG) www.cascinasancarlo.it
  • Villa Laghetto Monchery, Vergiate (VA) www.villalaghettomonchery.it
  • Tenuta La Lodovica, Oreno di Vimercate (MB) www.lalodovica.it
  • Tenuta La Quassa, Ispra (VA) www.laquassa.com
  • La Filatura, Figino Serenza (CO) https://g.co/kgs/bjH49fc
Villa Gromo di Ternengo
Borgo al Pozzo

Villa La Valera

Villa Litta Lainate
Villa Borromeo
Villa Caproni

Villa Gaia Gandini
Cascina San Carlo
Laghetto Monchery
Tenuta La Lodovica
Tenuta La Quassa
La Filatura di Figino Serenza (CO)

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